Has this ever happened to you?

You aren't alone

Have you ever had a true dream session?  The expressions are natural and fun.  The posing is spot on and the locations could not be any better.  However, when you load the images onto your computer, something seems off.  Perhaps it was the exact opposite, the images are pure perfection, but the client walks out the door without making a decision.

Either way, you feel a little down.  A little defeated.  You scratch your head and wonder where it went wrong.



Join us today for People First where we explore the secret weapon to obliterate these problems--HARMONY.

Be Your Very Best

Harmony?  What does that even mean?  In this course, we start with creating harmony within your images.  We go far beyond the basic color wheel and explore the meanings behind the colors and find new ways to layer the color and the meaning to create images that SPEAK.

Your images will NEVER BE THE SAME as you learn the "secret sauce" in creating images that SELL.

Just the first part would be enough to transform your photographic work.


Often photographers are great with connecting with clients that are just like them.  However, in doing this, they leave a lot of money and potential on the table.  What if you could connect with EVERYONE?

What if you could quickly identify personality types and then customize their session to match their values?  What if you could "speak" everyone's personal language?  What if clients left your sessions saying, "they really got me.  They saw me for who I really am."  

Guys, that is EMPOWERING.

People First is all about seeing beyond the dollar signs.  It's about valuing people and affirming them in a way that ultimately does lead to dollars, but in a way that makes everyone feel great.

It's a true WIN-WIN!


  • Video Lessons

    This is a deep dive into psychology broken into bite sized chunks that can be digested in 15-45 minute sessions. The format is relaxed and jam packed with transformative information unique to this course. It's life changing. (approx. 3 hours of video)

  • Tests and Cheat Sheets

    Who are you? Who are those around you? This course includes a personality test as well as multiple pdfs that allow you to quickly identify personality types and reference the best way to communicate with person in front of you. The guides alone are worth the cost of the course.

  • Templates

    For years people have begged for Deanna's color guides. Now they can be yours! Customize them with your own client images and colors or use Deanna's as a quick reference. Your planning sessions have never been easier.

Affordable Investment

Put People First Today!

Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind chance to invest in yourself and others. Join us on a journey to transform your business.

Design with Confidence

Harness the power of color, key and mood to create images that will sell all day long. Know which colors work best for each type of client so you can delight them every time. Use the templates to quickly plan sessions that will make everyone feel great..

Your Instructor

Deanna Duncan

Deanna Duncan, known as Dee to her friends, has a passion for empowering people to see beauty--in themselves and others. She left a career in education and non-profit management to help her husband, Cris Duncan, realize his dream and somewhere along the journey of building C j Duncan Photography in Lubbock, Texas, she discovered that she too could take the visions she saw in her head and transfer them to reality through the camera lens. Deanna is an Internationally award winning photographer who has been published in several magazines and had the honor of representing the United States in the World Photographic Cup. She is a Master Photographic Craftsman. However, what really brings her joy people. There is nothing she loves more than sitting down with you, a great cup of tea and hearing your story--and then figuring out how to build your business. If you don't watch out, she may talk you into running a 5K or perhaps a marathon. You just never know what can happen when you start dreaming...

It's your time to shine!

Transform your life and your business as you Put People First.